2016年7月28日 星期四

plantlady: Natural DIY Hair Mask Recipe (For Hair Growth &...


Natural DIY Hair Mask Recipe (For Hair Growth & Hair Loss)


  • 1 Avocado (Rich source of proteins, amino acids, and vitamins)
  • 1 Tbsp Argan Oil (High levels of Vitamin E & Fatty Acids)
  • 1 Tbsp Castor Oil (Packed with Vitamin E & Omega-9)
  • 1 Tbsp Rosemary Essential Oil (Loaded with sulfur, silica, and antioxidant properties that prevents hair loss and accelerate hair growth)
  • 2 Tbsp Aloe Vera Gel (Contains Proteolytic Enzymes which repairs dead skin cells on the scalp)


1. Smash your avocado using a mortar, be sure to make it as creamy as possible. Place in a mixing bowl.

If using aloe vera gel, skip the following step and move on to step 3. if using a fresh trimmed aloe plant, follow step 2.

2. Slice your aloe open and smash it in a clean mortar until you get it into a smooth consistency. (This may take a little while, but the fresh aloe will be worth it in the end!) 

3. Place 2 tbsp of aloe into the mixing bowl of avocado.

4. Add & mix all oils into mixing bowl of avocado & aloe.

5. After all ingredients are mixed, place it onto your hair and massage it into your scalp. Keep adding the mixed ingredients until all your hair is covered, just like a mask!

6. Let it sit for about 30 minutes until dried, rinse with lukewarm water, and wash.

Continue this routine at least once a month. For best results, apply once a week.

Good luck! Love, Light, and Abundant Wellness!

- Jacqueline, the Plant Lady.

from Tumblr http://ift.tt/2afVVqC via a870724776.over-blog.com

